The Chair of Joy™ Experience and why it is effective

Coach Minx is a Global Ambassador for the Movement and the Chair of Joy ™ Experience. The focus of this program is to spend time JOYELY® accessing and deeply experiencing moments of love, gratitude, lightheartedness, and more. This is not a frivolous pursuit. Rather it is at the core of shifting, again and again, to more positive and uplifting states of being and doing. The power of joy can initiate and amplify significant effective changes in all areas of one’s life, individually and in community. The work reflects the findings of research in positive psychology, emotional intelligence, and brain science, including processes to evoke heart-brain coherence. The Chair of Joy™ Experience employs a four-step cognitive approach, harnessing stillness and full presence to reveal moments of deep joy and insight.

Here are few joyful chair images that come to mind when I

Sit. Breathe. Think. Feel.

There are, of course, stories that go with each one.

Take a few minutes now to remember in detail a time when you enJOYed a special moment. Let a smile spread across your face and into your heart.