To journal is to make use of pen and paper to record events, thoughts, emotions, possibilities, priorities, and just about anything else on our minds.  Journal keeping as a tool for self-reflection allows us to shape vague and amorphous thoughts and feelings into concrete and coherent language.  It is a way to organize, prioritize, and find an outlet for the incessant chattering of the mind.  Journaling can be a powerful tool for releasing pent-up emotions as well as for self-discovery.  As such, it is a way of making the inner voices of one’s heart, mind, and soul more audible.

“Journalkeeping is an act of risk, disclosure,
vulnerability and courage.
It is also an act of self-affirmation.”
~ Kay Leigh Hagan

Experience the power and magic of journaling for yourself.  Discover why there has been such a resurgence of interest in this age-old writing form. Explore why reflective journal writing is far more valuable and interesting than the old image of “Dear Diary” would suggest.  Learn a variety of basic tips and techniques that allow even the most inexperienced writer to reap the benefits of this process.  Take advantage of this opportunity to try different approaches in order to develop your own form of creative expression.